Kamis, 02 Maret 2017

Dragon Ball Z News Event "TOP RANK"


Hello Saiyan!
DBZ Online is a Free to Play browser MMORPG game. DBZ Online was released in November 2016; this game is based on Famous anime and manga from Akira Toriyama "Dragon Ball". We can recruit lots of character with different skills, types, and power that will give you the feel of becoming a Real Warrior!
Today, DBZ Online is going to hold a New Event! Check this out!!

Top Up Ranking
02 March 2017 13:00 PM - 4 March 2017 13:00 PM GMT+8

Event Rules:

1. All players can participate in this event
2. Every single top-up will get some point
3. 10 Players with the biggest point will enter Rank
4. Event will be held on 10 February 16:00 PM - 12 February 2017 15:59 PM GMT+8
5. Each Rank will get 1 reward
6. This event is closed for PlayWebGame staffs
7. This event will be held for all servers
8. You can check the rank HERE
Rank 1 : Mega Fury Gem Lv 7 , Lv 4 Gem Giftpack , Z weapon enchant Talisman *10
Rank 2 : Medium Fury Gem Lv 6 , Lv 3 Gem Giftpack , Z Weapon Enchant Talisman*10
Rank 3 : Lv 5 Gem chest , Z Weapon Talisman*10
Rank 4 : Lv 4 Gem Chest , Z Weapon Talisman*5
Rank 5 : Lv 3 Gem Chest , Z Weapon Talisman *5
Rank 6 : 10 : Z Weapon Talisman *5

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